Shia Muslims worldwide commemorate martyrdom anniversary of Sayyeda Umm al-Banin

The 13th of Jumadi al-Thani marks the sorrowful martyrdom anniversary of the beloved wife of Amir al-Momineen, and the honorable mother of Aba Fazl al-Abbas, Sayyida Umm al-Binin, peace be upon her.
Her full name is “Fatima bint Hezam” and since she was the mother of four children: Aba al-Fazl, Abdullah, Ja’far and Uthman, she was known as “Umm al-Baniin”. All her children were martyred in the tragedy of Karbala serving the cause of Sayyid al-Shuhada.
Ever since Sayyida Umm al-Binin, peace be upon her, entered the house of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, she always put herself in the service of the children of Fatima al-Zahra, peace be upon her, and gave her sincere immense love and affection to them.
The words of the infallible Imams about the virtues of the Honorable AbulFazl, peace be upon him, indicates the dignity and high status of the mother who raised him in the eyes of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them.
The life of Sayyida Umm al-Binin, characterized by virtue, love and devotion for Ahlul-Bayt, and struggle in the path of God, came to an end about ten years after the tragedy of Karbala.
The lady who was the wife of the martyr, the mother of the martyr and one of the messengers of Ashura, departed this world for an eternal blessed abode after sacrificing everything in the way of God.
She was buried in the Baqi cemetery next to the tombs of Imam al-Mujtaba and Fatima bint Asad, peace be upon them.