
December 20 marks International Human Solidarity Day

In 2005, the United Nations General Assembly designated December 20 as the International Human Solidarity Day.


If we go back a few hundred years ago, people probably did not know about each other’s status quo except for close people.

But this is not the case today. We can learn about the situation of other people in any part of the world as quickly as we learn about the conditions of our loved ones.

This is the feature of the modern world that has made the world’s 7 billion people closely-connected, and human solidarity has become a global value.

The solidarity of the human being is realized on the condition that a minimum of basic rights are considered for all, with sustainable development and elimination of poverty and discrimination as the basic requirements.

At the international level, reaching agreements based on fair dialogue, avoiding war and being committed to international obligations form the basis of this solidarity.

Also, international solidarity relies on respect for human diversity and recognition of this diversity.

On the occasion of this day, the Non-violence Organization “FreeMuslim” (affiliated to Ayatollah Shirazi World Foundation) issued a message.

In a part of this message, it is stated: Despite the efforts of international organizations, the unprecedented degradation of the human condition has aroused emotions, frustration and sadness for years. This issue has roots in the division of the international community, which has led to conflicts with unpredictable consequences.

In the end, this organization invited all governments, organizations and institutions to collaborate and help nations affected by war or natural disasters, as well as people who suffer from poverty and hardship due to diminishing national resources. As human beings, people must be treated equally regardless of their color, race or faith.

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