
SRW reiterates its commitment to protect and assist Shia communities worldwide

Shia Rights Watch (SRW), a global Shia organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., has confirmed that it will not abandon support and assistance to Shia communities in order to protect their rights and condemn the violations they face around the world.

SRW told Shia Waves Agency that it has “endeavored since its establishment in 2011 to be the voice of the oppressed Shia and strive to take their full rights, through various routes,” explaining that it “aims to draw international attention to what is happening of violations of these rights in different countries.”

The organization pointed out in its statement that “the followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, face today as they faced in the past great dangers, but they have been growing day after day and of course they have their historical roots, because of their religious creed.”

The organization found, through its investigations, that the Shia Muslims are exposed to “violation of the right to life, arbitrary arrests, unfair trials, illegal detention, psychological and physical abuse, illegal confiscation of private property, demolition of religious centers, not to mention discrimination in work and education and the fight against holy rituals.”

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