
Thai woman converts to Shai Islam at Imam Reza Holy Shrine

A young Thai woman, declined to reveal her name, converted to Shia Islam at the holy shrine of Imam Reza, peace be upon him, the eighth Infallible Imam, in the holy city of Mashhad, the media department of the Holy Shrine said in a statement.

According to the media department, the girl explained that “she was raised on Buddhism with her family, but she began to search for the truth of religion when she was 12,” adding that “she did not have a suitable teacher to guide her until she gradually learned about Shia Islam and Ahlulbayet, peace be upon them”.

The Thai convert added that she “felt a strong connection to Imam Reza, peace be upon him, after visiting his holy shrine,” adding that “when she visited the holy shrine she felt as if she was talking to Imam Reza, peace be upon him, and the Imam was talking to her.”

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