Albania: Shia and Christian researchers discuss concept of rationality brought by Holy Prophet, Infallible Imams

The conference hall at Tirana International Hotel in Albania hosted an academic and cultural gathering where participants discussed the concept of rationality the Prophet Muhammad and the Infallible Imams, peace be upon them, came with.
According to Shia Waves Agency, the program was organized by the Shia community residing in Albania and included a large number of academics, intellectuals, and researchers from both Islamic and Christian religions.
The organizers mentioned that the program included an intellectual lecture that touched on the concept of rationality, which, according to Islamic religious tradition, means seeking to understand truths and distinguish between right and wrong, while rejecting suspicions and illusions and relying on evidence and proof.
The lecture also highlighted that “the true Islamic religion brought by the Noble Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, and continued by the Imams of Guidance, peace be upon them, emphasized rationality as a Quranic concept that is practically and administratively applied.”
It also explained that “rationality as a general concept does not blindly follow dominating opinions, and it judges statements. The Islamic religion does not accept a Muslim to ignorantly follow traditions and customs.”
At the same time, the lecture emphasized that “rationality reached its utmost perfection in the Noble Prophet and the Infallible Imams, peace be upon them, because they are the chosen elite by Allah Almighty”.