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Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation continues provision of services to Arbaeen pilgrims

The Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development has continued providing various service activities to the honorable Arbaeen pilgrims through its centers spreading along the roads leading to Holy Karbala.

The Public Relations official, Hussein Al-Adli, said in a statement received by Shia Waves Agency said that “In line with the directives of the Supreme Religious Authority Grand Ayatollah Shirazi, the Misbah Al-Hussein continues its humanitarian and service campaigns in coordination with Imam Hussein Media Group and Imam Hussein Charity – IHC.”

Al-Adli added that “Amongst the services the Foundation provides during this Arbaeen is identification badges for children and the elderly and disabled; in addition to the distribution of Ziyaratul Arba’een copies.”

He noted that the Foundation “has distributed its employees on the roads leading to Holy Karbala as well as in the city center to provided their services to the honorable pilgrims”

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