WHO expresses concern about increase in humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan

The World Health Organization says that Afghanistan is currently facing a long-term humanitarian crisis, with millions of people living in poverty or without access to sanitation and food.
According to this report, nearly 29 million people in this country need urgent aid, while this figure was about 18 million people before the Taliban took control of Afghanistan.
WHO has also emphasized that the lack of funds and international aid to support the mission in this troubled country will have dire consequences. According to the latest report of the international health organization, about 24 mothers die in Afghanistan every day due to diseases that can be treated.
This organization has warned that the death rate will increase rapidly if there is no change in the funding situation for health services.
The pressures and restrictions of the Taliban against women, including the prohibition of women going to health centres without a mahram as well as the restrictions imposed on the occupational activities of female aid workers who often provide services to women, have exacerbated this crisis.
The report of the World Health Organization also states that the situation of pregnant women in Afghanistan is worrying due to factors such as economic challenges, inadequate nutrition, limited access to health services and increased pressure.