Iraq’s joint operational team estimates necessities for implementation of Arbaeen Pilgrimage Special Plan

Iraq’s joint operational team has estimated the necessities for the optimal implementation of the special Arbaeen pilgrimage plan this year, in light of the millions of Arbaeen pilgrims coming towards the holy city of Karbala.
Major General Tahsin al-Khafaji, the spokesman of Iraq’s Joint Operations Command, said in an interview followed by the Shia Waives that the 5 important components in the special plan for Arbaeen pilgrimage in 2023 can be summarized as follows:
Necessary flexibility during the implementation of the plan, preventing stoppages on all the roads of the Arbaeen pilgrimage route, compiling security-information instructions for pilgrims, monitoring the mawakib that provide food and drinks to the pilgrims, securing the long Arbaeen pilgrimage route using warplanes and drones.
Al-Khafaji emphasized that exceptional efforts are being made to manage the special Arbaeen pilgrimage plan in all its aspects, and it is expected that the number of Arbaeen pilgrims will reach more than 20 million people.