
Largest Arba’een Walk arrives at Holy Shrine of Sayyeda Zainab in Damascus, Syria

The largest on-foot group of Iraqi pilgrims arrived on Tuesday in the holy shrine of Sayyida Zeinab, peace be upon her, in the Syrian capital, Damascus, after they set out from the city of Dhi-Qar.

The Shia Waves correspondent said: “Hundreds of the Shia followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, have arrived in the holy shrine of Sayyida Zeinab, peace be upon her, after a long-on-foot journey from the southern city of Dhi-Qar.”

He added that, “The pilgrims, carrying banners of sadness, moved towards the holy shrine to offer their heartfelt condolences to Sayyida Zainab, peace be upon her, over the martyrdom of her brother, Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.”

The Shia Waves correspondent spoke to the organizers of this Mawakib who said that, The Husseini walk began on the morning of Tuesday, August 7th,” pointing out that, “The march was organized by Shaheedul Jumaa Mawakib.”

The participants said that this march represents their deep loyalty and devotion to Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, and the Mountain of Patience, Sayyida Zeinab, peace be upon her.

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