
A Quarter of Humanity Faces Escalating Water Stress

A recently published report highlights the startling fact that around 25% of humanity – approximately 1.9 billion people – are living in regions facing extreme water stress. These areas are characterized by an immense scarcity of fresh water, leaving communities vulnerable to inadequate water supply, compromised sanitation, and debilitating impacts on agriculture, industries, and ecosystems.

Regions such as the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia are already grappling with the devastating consequences of water scarcity, resulting in social unrest, mass migrations, and economic setbacks.

As global temperatures rise and weather patterns become more erratic, precipitation patterns are changing, leading to altered water availability in many regions.

Glacial melt, an essential source of fresh water for numerous communities, is accelerating due to rising temperatures, putting further strain on already overburdened water resources.

With urban populations projected to grow in the coming decades, the strain on available water supplies will escalate, risking even more communities facing water scarcity.

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