
Arab, foreign media outlets begin coverage of ceremonies of Arabeen Pilgrimage

Since the beginning of the Arabeen Massive Walk in the Iraqi city of Basra, Arab and foreign media have increased press coverage of the ceremonies of this massive pilgrimage.

This is the first year that these media outlets cover the religious ceremonies of the Arbaeen Walk, while in previous years, their coverage was conducted only on the 20th of the month of Safar, which marks the blessed Ziyarah.

Under the heading “When is the Arabeen 2023”, many Arab and foreign newspapers published reports introducing this event to their followers and when it will be commemorated.

These newspapers reported that the Arba’een will reach its peak on Friday, 16th September September, coinciding to 20th of Safar, and will continue for the next day.

The media reports concluded that the Arabeen is one of the most important festivals that Muslims in general and Shias in particular commemorate to recall forty days after the painful incident of Ashura, the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, his family members and loyal companions, peace be upon them.

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