Iraq: Council of Ministers passes resolution recognizing Eid-ul-Ghadir as national holiday Following requests from activists and clerics to honor the Greatest Eid-ul-Ghadir, the Iraqi Council of Ministers voted during its regular session held on Tuesday, recognizing Eid-ul-Ghadir as an official holiday in the country. The media office of the Iraqi PM Mohammed Shiaa al-Sudani released a statement, a copy of which was received by Shia Waves Agency, confirming the ministerial resolution to list Eid-ul-Ghadir on the national holidays. Activists, clerics and intellectuals had earlier called on the Iraqi government to declare Eid-ul-Ghadir, the day on which the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, appointed Imam Ali, peace be upon him, as his successor, as an official holiday. Muslims and even Christians in Iraq and the world commemorate the Day of Ghadir on the 18th of Dhu al-Hijjah every year, in order to glorify this day and to introduce the principles and values of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, to the whole world.

Following requests from activists and clerics to honor the Greatest Eid-ul-Ghadir, the Iraqi Council of Ministers voted during its regular session held on Tuesday, recognizing Eid-ul-Ghadir as an official holiday in the country.
The media office of the Iraqi PM Mohammed Shiaa al-Sudani released a statement, a copy of which was received by Shia Waves Agency, confirming the ministerial resolution to list Eid-ul-Ghadir on the national holidays.
Activists, clerics and intellectuals had earlier called on the Iraqi government to declare Eid-ul-Ghadir, the day on which the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, appointed Imam Ali, peace be upon him, as his successor, as an official holiday.
Muslims and even Christians in Iraq and the world commemorate the Day of Ghadir on the 18th of Dhu al-Hijjah every year, in order to glorify this day and to introduce the principles and values of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, to the whole world.