
Holy Quran desecrated second time as Swedish Police gives green light to Salwan Momika

The Iraqi immigrant, Salwan Momika, who had insulted the holy book of Muslims by burning the Holy Quran in Sweden, burned the Quran and the Iraqi flag in front of the embassy of this country in Sweden, after Police gave him green light.

Momika, 37 years old and originally from Iraq, has led the Christian Hashd al-Shaabi forces in Iraq, but then quit and took refuge in Sweden.

According to AFP, the Swedish police once again gave him permission to burn the Koran and the Iraqi flag in front of the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm.

The Swedish police claimed that this permit was not issued based on an official request to burn religious books, but based on the establishment of a public gathering to express an opinion based on the legal right to freedom of assembly.

The spokesperson of the police has said in a strange claim that granting this permission does not mean agreeing to what is happening in this gathering.

It should be noted that in response to this action, hundreds of Iraqi protesters gathered in front of the Swedish embassy in Baghdad and set it on fire.

The Prime Minister of Iraq ordered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to call the Iraqi Chargé d’Affaires in Stockholm to the country and ask the Swedish Ambassador in Baghdad to leave Iraq.

The Swedish Embassy in Iraq announced on Thursday that it is closed until further notice due to the demonstrations around its building, with services being suspended. All the employees of this embassy have been temporarily transferred to the American Embassy in Baghdad.

Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of Iraq’s al-Sadr movement, wrote on Twitter that the Iraqi flag has a red line in response to the Swedish police’s permission to burn the Holy Quran and the Iraqi flag again.

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