Families pour tributes for the 5 men died in Titan Sub
The families and friends of those lost on the Titan sub have been paying tribute to their loved ones.
As BBC reported Relatives of the renowned French diver Paul-Henri said he will be remembered as “one of the greatest deep-sea explorers in modern history”. The 77-year-old was known as a world-leading Titanic expert who had completed more than 35 dives to the ocean liner wreck.
The Dawood family, who are grieving after the loss of Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son Suleman, 19, said: “The family remains overwhelmed with the love and support that it has received and is grateful to the those who showcased the best in humanity.”
The family of British billionaire explorer Hamish Harding have called him “a dedicated father” and said: “If we can take any small consolation from this tragedy, it’s that we lost him doing what he loved.”
OceanGate, said it was a tragic time, adding: “These men were true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world’s oceans.”