
Report finds China as most dangerous state for citizens

The Guardian newspaper has recently reported that The Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI), a New Zealand based project has been monitoring various countries’ human rights performance since 2017.
China has emerged as the most dangerous state when it comes to safeguarding the civil rights of its own citizens. The findings, which have sent shockwaves through the international community, highlight the urgent need for scrutiny and action to protect fundamental freedoms within the country.
The report examined the state of civil rights in China over the past decade. It analysed various aspects of citizens’ lives, including freedom of expression, assembly, association, and access to justice.
Freedom of expression in China has been tightly controlled, with the government employing extensive censorship mechanisms to suppress dissenting voices. The report reveals an alarming pattern of harassment, imprisonment, and forced disappearances targeting activists, journalists, and human rights defenders.
The Chinese government consistently restricts the right to peaceful assembly, viewing it as a potential threat to its authority. Peaceful demonstrations, especially those critical of government policies, are met with swift and often violent crackdowns.

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