Procession of Replica Coffin of Amir al-Mu’minin Held with Devotion in Lucknow

The replica coffin of Amir al-Mu’minin, peace be upon him, built by the late Hassan Mirza, was carried out with great reverence and respect, as it has been every year, on the martyrdom anniversary of Amir al-Mu’minin on the 21st of Ramadan.
At 3 AM, during the pre-dawn hours, Maulana Yasub Abbas addressed the mourning assembly, where he recounted the sufferings of Amir al-Mu’minin Imam Ali (peace be upon him). The audience was moved to tears, and the sounds of lamentation filled the air.
Following the assembly, the replica coffin was brought out, making its way through designated routes to reach Karbala Tal Katora, where it was buried.

It is noteworthy that this ancient procession in Lucknow has been held for many years, maintaining its long-standing traditions. For nearly 27 years, the esteemed speaker Maulana Syed Muzaffar Hussain Tahir Joroli (may Allah have mercy on him) addressed this mourning assembly. After him, his eldest son, Maulana Syed Maysam Kazim Joroli (may Allah have mercy on him), continued to address the assembly for about 32 years. Following them, Maulana Mirza Muhammad Ashfaq (may Allah have mercy on him) took up the mantle of addressing the mourning assembly. Currently, Maulana Mirza Yasub Abbas, the nephew of Maulana Mirza Muhammad Ashfaq, is delivering the sermons.
In previous years, the mourning assembly was held after the morning prayers, followed by the procession. However, this year, due to certain reasons, the organizing committee announced that the procession would commence at 3 AM. As planned, the mourning assembly was held, leading to the procession.
The procession attracts a large number of participants from Lucknow city and surrounding areas, including both men and women.