
Severe Humanitarian Crisis in Sudanese Refugee Camps in Chad

As the civil war in Sudan intensifies, over half a million refugees have fled to eastern Chad, where humanitarian needs are critical, reliefweb reported on Monday.

According to the article, In Aboutengue camp, nearly 44,500 Sudanese refugees, primarily women and children, face severe food ration cuts and inadequate shelter.

The main humanitarian agency has reduced food supplies since February, leading to increased malnutrition among children, with MSF treating hundreds monthly. Women risk violence while collecting firewood for survival, as opportunities for income are scarce.

Many refugees in nearby Metché survive on just one meal a day, with the local therapeutic feeding center overwhelmed by cases of severe acute malnutrition. Urgent funding and support are needed to prevent a worsening humanitarian disaster, as many refugees continue to live in harsh conditions without proper shelter or sufficient food.

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