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ISIS-Linked Rebels Kill Over 30 Christians in Eastern DRC

On July 24, more than 30 bodies were discovered in the Batangi-Mbau area of North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), following a brutal attack by the Sunni extremist group, Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), Persecution.org website reported on Monday.

Many victims were decapitated, primarily hailing from villages within the Babila-Bakaiku locality, including Kotanarespe, Nakota, Musangwa, and Akwekwe.

Local leaders, including Léon Siviwe, reported that the attack is part of a troubling trend of escalating violence against Christian communities. Survivors described the deep emotional scars left on families, with one resident lamenting, “We are left with empty chairs at our tables.”

Anglican Bishop of Beni emphasized the psychological toll of living under constant threat, stating, “Every loud noise sends us into panic mode.” The ongoing violence has created pervasive anxiety and trauma among civilians, particularly since the withdrawal of U.N. peacekeepers earlier this year, with International Christian Concern (ICC) reporting on several ADF attacks on Christian communities.

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