
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi Delivers Annual Sermon on Ashura

Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Sadeq al-Hosseini Shirazi delivered his annual speech on the Eve of Ashura, emphasizing the timeless significance of Imam Hussein’s martyrdom and the importance of upholding his legacy through traditions.

After extending wishes for increased reward for the affliction with the martyrdom of our master Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and that Allah make us among those who seek revenge for his blood with his successor, Imam Mahdi, peace be upon him, his Eminence centered his message on a tradition from Imam Reza, peace be upon him, (The Day of Hussein wounded the eyelids of our eyes… and bequeathed us grief and calamity until the Day of Reckoning). He interpreted the statement as a testament to the enduring legacy of mourning and lamentation for Imam Hussein’s tragic martyrdom and the calamities of Karbala.

He further elaborated on the concept of “Day of Reckoning,” explaining that according to some interpretations, it refers to a period beyond the immediate afterlife, referencing the Quranic verse: (in a Day whose measure is fifty thousand years) (Quran 56:50). This suggests that Imam Hussein’s martyrdom carries significance beyond the earthly realm, he noted, referencing a phrase from the Ziyarat al-Nahiya: (and the maidens of Paradise struck their faces for you).

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi highlighted the enduring power of Imam Hussein’s legacy. He cited historical examples of powerful rulers who sought to destroy Imam Hussein’s memory, but ultimately faded into obscurity. This, he argued, demonstrates the enduring power of righteous actions in contrast to transient worldly power.

The Supreme Religious Authority stressed the importance of maintaining traditions associated with Imam Hussein’s remembrance, known as Hussaini rituals. He referenced a narration from Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, where he extended well wishes for pilgrims of Imam Hussein, suggesting that those who perform these rituals receive immense support, both from those on the Earth and from Heavenly beings.

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi concluded his address by calling for a more magnificent Arbaeen pilgrimage, the annual commemoration of the forty days after Ashura. He emphasized the importance of making this pilgrimage accessible and free for all. He referenced the Quranic verse: (If you suffer, indeed they [too] suffer as you suffer) (Quran 4:102), urging Muslims worldwide to strive for a universally accessible Arbaeen pilgrimage.

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