
9th of Dhul Hajjah marks martyrdom anniversary of Muslim bin Aqeel

Abu Abdillah Muslim bin Aqeel bin Abi Talib, the cousin of Imam al-Hussain and the nephew of Amir al-Mu’mineen, the ambassador of Sayyed al-Shuhada in Kufa during his historic move, was considered one of the shiny characters and outstanding personalities among the youth of Banu Hashem.

When Imam al-Hussain left Madinah for Mecca, Muslim bin Aqeel was one of his companions. After the letters from the Kufis reached Imam al-Hussain, His Holiness sent Muslim bin Aqeel to Kufa to investigate the situation and conditions of that city, and to authenticate the claim of the Kufis about the large number of loyalists ready to follow the Imam, and to report back to his Majesty.

Muslim bin Aqeel arrived in Kufa on the 5th of Shawwal.

In Kufa, 12,000 people pledged allegiance to Muslim bin Aqeel as proxy of Imam al-Hussain and declared their readiness to support the Imam.

Muslim bin Aqeel wrote a letter to Imam al-Hussain on the 11th of Dhul-Qa’dah and confirmed the large number of pledgers and invited the Imam to Kufa.

With the arrival of Obaidullah bin Ziyad to Kufa, and the spreading of the news of his threats and actions, a sense of insecurity began to grip Kufa, prompting Muslim bin Aqeel to take refuge in the house of Hani bin Urwa, one of the seniors of Kufa, to maintain his safety. From then on, the Shiites would go to Hani’s house to meet Muslim.

Historical narratives tell of the fear of the people following the propaganda companions of Ubaidullah bin Ziyad, and subsequently, their quick dispersing from around Muslim, to the point where Muslim was left alone at night, and when he finished his ‘Asha Prayer and looked behind himself, he saw no one in his presence. Muslim became so helpless that he had no place to sleep.

After being left alone with no place to reside, Muslim sought refuge with a woman named Tou’a and hid in her house; However, her son cracked the news to the government officials the next morning. Upon reception of the news, Ibn Ziyad dispatched a large group under the command of Muhammad Ibn Ash’ath to arrest Muslim and bring him to the palace.

After a lengthy struggle and only by using tricks, they managed to arrest Muslim bin Aqeel and brought him to the top of Dar al-Imāra (Palace of the Governor). While Muslim was saying dhikr and takbeer and sending Salawat to the Prophet’s family, they cut off his head and threw his body down.

His martyrdom took place on the day of Arafah, the 9th of Dhul Hajjah, in the year 60 Hijri. The news of the martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqeel reached Sayyed al-Shuhada, peace be upon him, when he had already come out of Mecca and was en-route to Kufa.

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