
Dhul-Qaida 25: Anniversary of Dahwul Arz, day of first descent of Divine mercy

“Dahwul Arz”, coinciding the twenty-fifth of the month of Dhul-Qa’da, is the day when the Almighty God showed mercy to the Earth, giving life to the earthly world. From this day, parts of the earth, which was filled with water, began to dry up until they gradually formed today’s landmasses on the quarter of the planet.

More details in the following report:

“Dahw” means to expand, and some have interpreted it to mean shaking something from its original place.

The meaning of Dahwul Arz (expansion of the earth) is that in the beginning, the whole surface of the earth was covered by the waters resulting from the first flood rains. These waters gradually filled the pits of the earth and the land emerged from under the water, expanding on a daily basis.

According to narrations, the first place to emerge from the water was the Kaaba and Baitullah Al-Haram. The Holy Qur’an and Islamic hadiths mention the day of “Dahwul Arz”, and acts of worship on this day are of great value.

Amir al-Mu’minin has stated in one hadith that the first mercy that came down from the sky to the earth was on the twenty-fifth of Dhul-Qa’dah. Whoever fasts on this day and spends the night in worship, they will have worshiped the equivalent of 100 years, whose days are spent fasting and nights worshiping.

According to some Qur’anic exegetists, verse 30 of Surah al-Naza’at, “And spread the Earth after it”, speaks of this event.

In the exegesis of this verse, it is also stated: The Almighty God expanded the earth in such a way that it is ready for human life and the cultivation of plants and animals; filled the pits and steep and dangerous slopes by eroding mountains and turning stones into soil, making them flat and habitable, while the original folds on the planet were such that they did not allow for human life.

Apart from the Dahwul Arz phenomenon, other events have also occurred on this day, which has increased its importance; Among them: the birth of Prophet Abraham, the birth of Jesus Christ, the departure of the Holy Prophet from Madinah with thousands of pilgrims to Mecca for the purpose of Ḥajjat al-Wadāʿ, on which Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra and all the wives of the Holy Prophet accompanied his Holiness.

It is also mentioned in a narration that Imam al-Mahdi will rise on this day.

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