Shawwal 15 marks sorrowful martyrdom anniversary of Honorable Hamza, demise of Honorable Abdul-Azim al-Hosni, peace be upon them

The 15th of Shawwal commemorates the great event of the Uhud battle, the martyrdom anniversary of the Honorable Hamza Sayyed al-Shuhada and the demise of the Honorable Abdul-Azim al-Hasani.
More details in the following report:
The 15th of Shawwal is the anniversary of the Battle of Uhud and the martyrdom of Hazrat Hamza, peace be upon him, the faithful uncle of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him.
Hamzah, the son of Abdul Muttalib, was one of the bravest Arab men, one of the most valiant heroes and greatest servants of Islam, who helped the cause of his nephew the holy Prophet, God Almighty, and the religion of Islam in the most difficult circumstances.
In the history of Islam, two great figures are known with the title of Sayyed al-Shuhada: Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib and Husayn bin Ali, peace be upon them.
Amirul Momineen and other Infallible Imams, peace be upon them, have boasted about their kinship with the Honorable Hamza in debates with their opponents.
The holy Prophet, Lady Fatima, and other members of the Ahl ul-Bayt, peace be upon them, would visit the grave of this distinguished soldier of Islam in Medina, shedding tears and mourning his loss.
The 15th of Shawwal also marks the demise anniversary of the Honorable Abdul-Azim bin Abdullah al-Hasani (peace be upon him), popularly known as Abdul-Azim al-Hasani, Shah Abdul-Azim and Sayyed al-Karim.
A descendant of Imam Hasan al-Mojtaba (peace be upon him), Abdul al-Azim was a scholar, an ascetic, a loyal devotee of Ahl ul-Bayt, and one of the great hadith scholars who has been highly revered and trusted by the Shia community of all eras.
The Infallible Imams (peace be upon them) have made such high praises of him that highlights his scholarly position and trustworthiness.
The most important sign of the spiritual greatness and sublime position of the Honorable Abdul-Azim (peace be upon him) is the hadith by Imam al-Jawad, peace be upon him, likening the virtue of visiting his grave with that of visiting Sayyed al-Shuhada (peace be upon him).
His blessed shrine in Shahr-e Ray, a suburb of Tehran, is visited by many Shiites every day, especially on religious occasions.