
Istanbul hosts symposium calling on Islamic countries to intervene to end China’s atrocities against the Uyghurs

Several Turkestan organizations held a symposium entitled “Genocide in East Turkestan and the Search for Rights” at Muhammad al-Fateh University, which shed light on the atrocities committed by China against the Muslim Uyghur minority, and coincided with the revival of International Human Rights Day.

The head of the International Society for Refugee Rights, Abdullah Rasoul Demir, said in a press statement seen by Shia News Agency: “China is detaining nearly 3 million people in over 1200 detention camps, according to official information.”

He continued, “The other name for Chinese oppression is genocide,” calling on the national and international public to “be aware and take responsibility for what the Uyghur Muslims are going through.”

The statement stated that “religious education is prohibited, and it is forbidden to possess and read religious books including the Quran, prayers, acts of worship, grow a beard, wear a hijab and wear long skirts,” adding that “the Chinese authorities have obligated all Uyghurs to confinement in homes under the pretext of Covid. The doors of the houses are closed with welding machines and iron chains, and people are not allowed to go out, even to meet their basic needs.”

The head of the Humanitarian Relief and Human Rights and Freedoms Authority, Bulent Yildirim, stated that “there is great persecution taking place in East Turkestan.”

Yildirim called on the Islamic world to “be strong and brave, and work to impose sanctions on China and not deal with it commercially,” adding, “China must see massive opposition against it.”

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