
Ancient Skeletons Discovered in Southern Türkiye: A 7,600-Year-Old Find

Archaeologists in southern Türkiye have uncovered two ancient skeletons, one of a child and the other of an infant, estimated to be 7,600 years old, Anadolu Agency reported yesterday.

The discovery was made at the Domuztepe Mound in Kahramanmaras province during ongoing excavations. Domuztepe is noted as one of the largest mound settlements from the Late Neolithic period. The skeletons were found in separate graves, with the child believed to be around 6 or 7 years old.

Halil Tekin, the excavation leader, highlighted the rarity of grave finds at this site, which was first settled nearly 9,000 years ago. He noted that previous excavations uncovered around 40 skeletons in a so-called “death pit.” During the Late Neolithic, it was common to bury infants and children near or within buildings to maintain their connection to home. Notably, a feeding pot was discovered alongside the infant’s skeleton, providing further insight into burial practices of the time.

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