
Turkey Calls on China to Protect Cultural Rights of Minority Muslim Uyghurs

In a high-level diplomatic visit, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan pressed Chinese authorities to safeguard the cultural rights of minority Muslim Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region, abc News reported yesterday.

During his three-day trip to China, Fidan traveled to the Xinjiang cities of Urumqi and Kashgar, becoming the first Turkish official to visit the region since 2012.

In the discussions, Fidan conveyed Turkey’s message that the Turkish people and the Islamic world have “sensitivities” regarding the protection of Uyghurs’ cultural rights. He urged the Chinese government to allow the Uyghur minority to “live their values.”

China has faced widespread international criticism over its treatment of Uyghurs, with accusations of mass detentions in prison camps. Beijing denies human rights abuses, claiming the facilities are for vocational training.

While Turkey has cultural and ethnic ties to the Uyghurs, the government has moderated its criticism of China’s policies as economic relations between the two countries have strengthened.

The diplomatic visit underscores the delicate balance Turkey is trying to strike between addressing Uyghur concerns and maintaining positive ties with its economic partner, China.

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