Saudi Arabia

Saudi-led airstrikes kill seven civilians in Yemen’s Ma’rib
Islam World

Saudi-led airstrikes kill seven civilians in Yemen’s Ma’rib

The new Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes have killed seven civilians, including women and children, and injured five others in Yemen’s central…
EU parliament calls for arms embargo on Saudi Arabia

EU parliament calls for arms embargo on Saudi Arabia

The European Parliament on Wednesday urged the EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, to impose a ban on the sale…
Saudi-led coalition hides information about illegal airstrikes on Yemen: HRW
Islam World

Saudi-led coalition hides information about illegal airstrikes on Yemen: HRW

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has lashed out at the Saudi-led coalition for its refusal to provide information on its role…
UN Rights Council neglects duty to probe atrocities in Yemen
Islam World

UN Rights Council neglects duty to probe atrocities in Yemen

The UN Human Rights Office has lashed out at the global body’s Human Rights Council for neglecting its responsibility with…
WFP directly blames Saudi Arabia for Yemeni humanitarian crisis
Islam World

WFP directly blames Saudi Arabia for Yemeni humanitarian crisis

 The United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) has directly blamed Saudi Arabia for a humanitarian crisis in Yemen, which has…
WFP directly blames Saudi Arabia for Yemeni humanitarian crisis
Islam World

WFP directly blames Saudi Arabia for Yemeni humanitarian crisis

The United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) has directly blamed Saudi Arabia for a humanitarian crisis in Yemen, which has…
WHO: Cholera kills 2,018 people in Yemen
Islam World

WHO: Cholera kills 2,018 people in Yemen

A total of 2,018 people have been killed by a cholera epidemic in war-torn Yemen since late April, the World…
UN chief urges Saudi Arabia to let humanitarian aid reach Yemeni people
Islam World

UN chief urges Saudi Arabia to let humanitarian aid reach Yemeni people

The United Nations has strongly urged the warring sides in the Yemen conflict, including the invading Saudi Arabia, to allow…
Saudi regime forces demolish Shia mosque in Awamiyah
Islam World

Saudi regime forces demolish Shia mosque in Awamiyah

Saudi regime forces have reportedly razed a Shia mosque in the kingdom’s oil-rich Eastern Province as Riyadh presses ahead with…
UN says Saudi airstrikes killed 58 civilians in 1 week
Islam World

UN says Saudi airstrikes killed 58 civilians in 1 week

Airstrikes by a coalition under the leadership of the regime in Riyadh against civilian targets across Yemen have killed 58…
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