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Anti-Shia Salafi scholar urged to stop repeating Wahhabi propaganda

Anti-Shia Salafi scholar urged to stop repeating Wahhabi propaganda

A prominent American expert on the Middle East labeled the hard-line Sunni scholar Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin as “ignorant” about…
Sahaba Coalition starts an ‘Egypt Free of Shia books’ campaign
Islam World

Sahaba Coalition starts an ‘Egypt Free of Shia books’ campaign

After the wide spreading of Shiism in Egypt, the Sahaba Coalition started an anti-Shiism campaign.  The campaign aims to confiscate…
Valls: Salafism is dangerous; Muslims should lead fight against it in France

Valls: Salafism is dangerous; Muslims should lead fight against it in France

Prime Minister Manuel Valls has called on French Muslims to lead the battle against Salafism in “mosques, neighborhoods and families,”…
Bangladesh probes ‘Peace Schools’ after ban on Naik’s Peace TV

Bangladesh probes ‘Peace Schools’ after ban on Naik’s Peace TV

Bangladesh on Wednesday launched a probe on schools bearing the name ‘Peace’, suspecting them to be linked with controversial Indian…
Illegal Muslim prayer hall blown up in Russia after police find explosives inside

Illegal Muslim prayer hall blown up in Russia after police find explosives inside

Explosives found in an illegal Muslim prayer hall near the Russian city of Samara were eliminated right inside the building.…
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