
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv becomes top trending hashtag on Twitter after knife attack in London

#YouAintNoMuslimBruv becomes top trending hashtag on Twitter after knife attack in London

People on Twitter are speaking out about the knife attack in London   People on Twitter are speaking out about…
Man pushes Muslim woman into oncoming underground train in London

Man pushes Muslim woman into oncoming underground train in London

pushed a Muslim woman into the path of an oncoming London underground train   A man is being held on…
Muslim woman assaulted and kicked off London bus

Muslim woman assaulted and kicked off London bus

London police are trying to find witnesses after supposed hate crime   London police are trying to find witnesses after…
Londoners decry Sheikh Nimr sentence outside Saudi embassy United Kingdom

Londoners decry Sheikh Nimr sentence outside Saudi embassy United Kingdom

Activists once again gathered outside the Saudi embassy in London calling on Riyadh to halt the execution   Activists once…
London to host Quranic studies conference UK

London to host Quranic studies conference UK

Sixth International Conference on Quranic Studies will be held in London   The Sixth International Conference on Quranic Studies will…
Muslims in London observe the mourning of Muharram

Muslims in London observe the mourning of Muharram

Men and women from all nationalities joined together in prayer to mark the holy month of Muharram   A large…
Islamic Center of England hosts Hajj exhibition

Islamic Center of England hosts Hajj exhibition

An exhibition featuring Hajj has been mounted at the Islamic Center of England in London An exhibition featuring Hajj has…
Britons to rally in protest at Saudi Invasion of Yemen

Britons to rally in protest at Saudi Invasion of Yemen

British protesters are scheduled to amass outside the building of Saudi Arabian embassy in London in condemnation of the Saudi-led…
Hands off Yemen is theme of protest and rally held in London

Hands off Yemen is theme of protest and rally held in London

Hundreds of Yemeni and Arab supporters rallied at the Marble Arch and then marched to the Saudi Arabian Embassy in…
‘Journey through the Quran’ to be held in London in Ramadan

‘Journey through the Quran’ to be held in London in Ramadan

An intensive course will be held in London during the holy month of Ramadan, under the title of ‘Journey through…
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