
Iraqi Interior Ministry deputy supervises Arbaeen pilgrimage security plan
Islam World

Iraqi Interior Ministry deputy supervises Arbaeen pilgrimage security plan

The Iraqi interior Ministry deputy, Aqeel al-Khaz’ali, visited the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf to supervise the Arbaeen pilgrimage…
500 deaf-mute participate in Husseini services during Arbaen pilgrimage
Islam World

500 deaf-mute participate in Husseini services during Arbaen pilgrimage

Approximately 500 deaf and mute, from Babylon province, take part in a Husseini Services Unit, to serve the pilgrims of…
Shia Muslims organize symbolic Arbaeen walk in UK

Shia Muslims organize symbolic Arbaeen walk in UK

Hundreds of people from across the UK took to the streets of Bradford for an annual procession to mark the…
Terrorist plot against Arbaeen pilgrims foiled in Pakistan
Islam World

Terrorist plot against Arbaeen pilgrims foiled in Pakistan

Pakistan’s security forces thwarted a planned terrorist attack against Shia pilgrims in the city of Quetta.   Pakistan’s security forces…
Millions of Muslims marching to Karbala for Arbaeen
Holy Shrines

Millions of Muslims marching to Karbala for Arbaeen

Millions of Muslims have been marching towards the shrine of the Third Shia Imam, Imam Hussein, peace be upon him,…
Iraqi authorities cancel entry visa as millions of pilgrims flock to Iraq on Arbaeen
Islam World

Iraqi authorities cancel entry visa as millions of pilgrims flock to Iraq on Arbaeen

As millions of Imam Hussein’s lovers flock to the Iraqi borders to perform pilgrimage rituals, Iraqi authorities have decided to…
Delegation from Ayatollah Shirazi office visits Husseini processions in Holy Karbala
Islam World

Delegation from Ayatollah Shirazi office visits Husseini processions in Holy Karbala

A delegation from the office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi is visiting Husseini processions along the roads leading to the holy…
‘Ansar Imam Hussein’ military division begins Holy Karbala operations
Islam World

‘Ansar Imam Hussein’ military division begins Holy Karbala operations

 Ansar Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, or Imam Hussein’s Supporters military division has begun their operations in the holy…
Ayatollah Shirazi mission in Holy Karbala continues receiving pilgrims from all over the world
Islam World

Ayatollah Shirazi mission in Holy Karbala continues receiving pilgrims from all over the world

 Ayatollah Shirazi mission in the Holy City Karbala continues receiving Imam Hussein’s pilgrims from all over the world.   Ayatollah…
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