
Boats employed to serve Arbaeen pilgrims
Islam World

Boats employed to serve Arbaeen pilgrims

 A new type of offering the pilgrims of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, services has been founded this year;…
Sefeer al-Imam al-Hussein hospital ready to receive Arbaeen patients
Holy Shrines

Sefeer al-Imam al-Hussein hospital ready to receive Arbaeen patients

Sefeer El-Imam El-Hussein Hospital has announced its readiness to received the pilgrim patients during the Arba’een pilgrimage to Imam Hussein,…
Imam Hussein Shrine holds annual conference on Lady Zaineb
Holy Shrines

Imam Hussein Shrine holds annual conference on Lady Zaineb

The Religious Information Division at Imam Hussein Shrine has held the annual conference on Lady Zaineb, daughter of Imam Ali,…
4000 Awlad Amer procession walks for 500 kilometers to Karbala
Islam World

4000 Awlad Amer procession walks for 500 kilometers to Karbala

Within the processions coming on feet to the holy city of Karbala to make a pilgrimage to Imam Hussein, peace…
Iranian pilgrims moving toward Iraqi border for Arbaeen
Islam World

Iranian pilgrims moving toward Iraqi border for Arbaeen

A 40,000-strong convoy of Iranian pilgrims started their journey toward the city of Karbala, Iraq, for Arabeen.      A…
Voluntary taxi drivers transport pilgrims for free
Islam World

Voluntary taxi drivers transport pilgrims for free

A group of Imam Hussein’s, peace be upon him, lovers have established a new type of service by offering the…
The Grand Husseini Project activities to serve the pilgrims of Arbaeen have begun
Religious Authority

The Grand Husseini Project activities to serve the pilgrims of Arbaeen have begun

The administrative body of the Grand Husseini Project announced the start of the project to serve the pilgrims of Imam…
Annual conference of Arbaeen pilgrimage services held in Karbala
Religious Authority

Annual conference of Arbaeen pilgrimage services held in Karbala

The public relations office of the Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, held its annual…
Millions of pilgrims are served for hundreds of miles
Islam World

Millions of pilgrims are served for hundreds of miles

Alongside the millions of pilgrims walking to the holy city of Kerbela to make a pilgrimage to Imam Hussein, peace…
Extra pieces of holy grille installed to facilitate pilgrims’ traffic
Holy Shrines

Extra pieces of holy grille installed to facilitate pilgrims’ traffic

Within the preparations being made to receive the Arbaeen Pilgrimage to Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, Imam Hussein Shrine…
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