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Thousands of antique and invaluable manuscripts on Quran and its science
Holy Shrines

Thousands of antique and invaluable manuscripts on Quran and its science

The Manuscripts Center in the Holy Shrine of al-Abbas declared that the Center consists of many ancient manuscripts date back…
Imam Hussein Holy Shrine offers free health services to orphans
Holy Shrines

Imam Hussein Holy Shrine offers free health services to orphans

Imam Hussain Medical Complex, affiliated with the Imam al-Redha Charitable Foundation, launched an initiative to provide medical services to orphans…
New design of Imam Hussein museum revealed
Holy Shrines

New design of Imam Hussein museum revealed

The Engineering Projects Department of the Imam Hussein Shrine has revealed the new design of Imam Hussain Museum, which is…
2nd Int’l Conference on Arbaeen Pilgrimage planned in Iraq
Holy Shrines

2nd Int’l Conference on Arbaeen Pilgrimage planned in Iraq

The “Karbala” Center for Studies and Research affiliated to the holy shrine of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, announced…
Winners of Karbala Quran award announced
Holy Shrines

Winners of Karbala Quran award announced

Winners of the first edition of a national Quran competition titled Karbala Quran Award were announced and awarded in a…
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi PR manager criticizes failure to enforce law of Karbala sanctity
Islam World

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi PR manager criticizes failure to enforce law of Karbala sanctity

Sayyed Aref Nasrullah, the head of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi’s Public Relations Office in holy Karbala called for the enforcement of…
Project of Imam Hussain Shrine ‘largest cancer treatment center’ nearing completion
Holy Shrines

Project of Imam Hussain Shrine ‘largest cancer treatment center’ nearing completion

One of the largest projects the Imam Hussein Shrine has been implementing is a cancer treatment center, located in al-Hur…
60% of Imam Hussein school project in Babylon completed
Holy Shrines

60% of Imam Hussein school project in Babylon completed

The Engineering Project Department of Imam Hussein Shrine said – in an announcement – that 60% of Imam Hussein School…
Karbala Nat’l Quran Award: participants take written exam
Holy Shrines

Karbala Nat’l Quran Award: participants take written exam

The preliminary stage of Karbala Nat’l Quran Award in Iraq began in the Iraqi holy city.   The preliminary stage…
Al-Fida Procession demands Wahhabi takfiris to stop abusing the holy shrines in Medina
Religious Authority

Al-Fida Procession demands Wahhabi takfiris to stop abusing the holy shrines in Medina

Crowds of Shia Muslims took part in protesting rallies near the Saudi bordering city of Arar, condemning the crime of…
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