
Six Pakistanis killed and injured by Indian forces in Kashmir

Six Pakistanis killed and injured by Indian forces in Kashmir

Pakistani media announced today, Sunday, that one civilian was killed and 5 others were wounded by Indian forces in the…
Representative of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi visits the Great Fatimid Exhibition in the Indian city of Lucknow
Religious Authority

Representative of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi visits the Great Fatimid Exhibition in the Indian city of Lucknow

One of the representatives of the Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq Shirazi, Sheikh Mustafa Adeeb Al-Hindi, visited the Great Fatimid Exhibition…
Imam Ali Holy Shrine hosts a delegation from the Republic of India
Holy Shrines

Imam Ali Holy Shrine hosts a delegation from the Republic of India

The Religious Affairs Department, represented by the External Communication Division, received a delegation from the Republic of India at Imam…
Indian Christians protest against ‘anti-Muslim’ law

Indian Christians protest against ‘anti-Muslim’ law

More than 8,000 people from the Christian community took to the streets in eastern India Monday to protest against a…
India: Victims of the Citizenship Law protest rise to 23

India: Victims of the Citizenship Law protest rise to 23

Indian media reported that the death toll from the protests denouncing the citizenship law has risen to 23. Indian media…
Free Muslim warns the Indian authorities of civil war because of its racist policies

Free Muslim warns the Indian authorities of civil war because of its racist policies

The World Nonviolence Organization Free Muslim has expressed its strong condemnation of government decisions in India that are characterized by…
Representatives of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi participate in protest against the Indian Citizenship Law
Religious Authority

Representatives of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi participate in protest against the Indian Citizenship Law

A group of representatives of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini Al-Shirazi, in India, participated in the…
Hindus and Sikhs in India organize human chains to protect Muslims during prayer

Hindus and Sikhs in India organize human chains to protect Muslims during prayer

Dozens of Hindus and Sikhs in India organized human chains to protect Muslims from the security forces, while they were…
Symposium to discuss the problems and challenges facing Muslims in India
Religious Authority

Symposium to discuss the problems and challenges facing Muslims in India

The representative of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq Al-Husseini Al-Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life,…
AISPLB holds its annual general meeting
Islam World

AISPLB holds its annual general meeting

The All India Shia Personal Law Board (AISPLB), which represents the rights of Shia in India, held its annual general…
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