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Humanitarian aid convoys reach several areas in Syria
Islam World

Humanitarian aid convoys reach several areas in Syria

Several humanitarian aid convoys on Tuesday reached different areas in Syria, including some besieged zones, according to a British war…
Syrian MP calls for UN attention to besieged Shia towns of Al-Fu’ah, Kefriya

Syrian MP calls for UN attention to besieged Shia towns of Al-Fu’ah, Kefriya

Representative of the Shia towns of Al-Fu’ah and Kefriya in the Syrian People Assembly on Sunday urged the UN and…
UN relief official: Civilians in Syria’s Shia towns need support as humanitarian catastrophe looms

UN relief official: Civilians in Syria’s Shia towns need support as humanitarian catastrophe looms

A senior United Nations relief official has today called on all parties to come to an agreement and allow immediate…
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