
Global Nonviolence Organization Calls for Urgent Aid to Sudanese Children Facing Food Crisis

The Global Nonviolence Organization, Freemuslim, has issued an urgent appeal to all members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to rescue millions of children in Sudan who are at risk of deadly hunger.

In a statement obtained by Shia Waves Agency, the organization referenced a recent UNICEF report indicating that 14 million children in Sudan require immediate humanitarian assistance.

Sudan is grappling with a severe food crisis due to ongoing civil conflict that has persisted for several months, significantly impacting the health and livelihoods of children. Human rights reports have highlighted the dire situation faced by these children, who are exposed to acute health and living risks due to food shortages.

In light of these tragic circumstances, the Freemuslim Association hopes for a swift response from OIC member states to this urgent call. The organization urges member countries to provide necessary humanitarian aid to the Sudanese people and to work towards ending the civil conflict by encouraging the warring parties to engage in negotiations and achieve peace for the benefit of the Sudanese populace. It emphasizes the importance of international solidarity in addressing this humanitarian crisis and the need for immediate action to alleviate the suffering of children and improve their living conditions.

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