
Israeli onslaught kills 450 Palestinian schoolchildren ahead of high school exams

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has taken a devastating toll on the education of Palestinian youth, with a staggering number of student casualties reported in recent months, TRT World reported yesterday.

According to the Palestinian Education Ministry, at least 450 Palestinian schoolchildren who were set to enroll in high school this year have been killed in the violence, including 430 students in Gaza and 20 in the West Bank. This tragic loss of life has severely disrupted the education of thousands of students across the occupied territories.

The ministry further reported that as of June 17th, 110 schools and universities have been completely destroyed, with an additional 321 educational institutions sustaining partial damage. The ongoing Israeli offensive has also claimed the lives of over 10,000 students, leaving the education system in a state of crisis.

Despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, the Israeli military operations have continued, drawing international condemnation. The situation has become so dire that 39,000 students in Gaza were unable to take their high school exams this year due to the ongoing aggression.

During a visit to the West Bank, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa emphasized the significance of education as a “primary weapon in confronting the occupation and achieving independence.” He stated that the commitment to education is a “lifeline” for the Palestinian people in overcoming the challenges posed by the conflict.

At least 800,000 students have been deprived of an education as Israel’s months-long offensive against the Gaza Strip continues, the Gaza Media Office said Saturday.

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