World Economy

UN: Youth Jobless Rate Hits 15-Year Low

The global youth unemployment rate has fallen to 13% in 2023, the lowest in 15 years, according to the UN International Labour Organization (ILO).

Despite this overall decline, disparities remain, particularly in Asia, the Pacific, and Arab States, where youth unemployment continues to rise. Notably, women face greater challenges, with two-thirds of young people not in employment, education, or training (NEETs) being female.

The ILO reported that nearly 65 million young individuals were jobless last year, with many lacking social protection and stuck in temporary positions. The youth NEET rate for young women reached 28.1%, more than double that of young men at 13.1%.

ILO Director-General Gilbert Houngbo emphasized the unequal opportunities faced by marginalized groups, urging for better access to education and decent jobs. As the labor market evolves, the need for high-skill jobs and alignment with green and digital demands grows increasingly critical.

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