
Italy Faces Growing Crisis of Modern Slavery Among Migrant Workers

Recent revelations in Italy have shed light on the alarming issue of modern slavery, particularly affecting migrant agricultural workers, Anadolu Agency reported yesterday.

The arrest of two gang leaders in Verona highlighted rampant exploitation and inhumane working conditions. A tragic incident in June, where a 31-year-old Indian laborer, Satnam Singh, bled to death after an accident, underscored the dire circumstances these workers face.

According to the 2023 Global Slavery Index, around 10 million more individuals have fallen victim to “new slavery” since 2016, exacerbated by global crises and the economic fallout from COVID-19. Approximately 420,000 migrants work illegally in Italy’s agriculture, earning below minimum wage and facing mistreatment.

Despite recent legislative efforts to combat labor exploitation, experts argue that enforcement remains insufficient. The Council of Europe has urged stronger measures against human trafficking, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach that prioritizes victim support alongside criminalization of traffickers.

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