The book, “Discovery the Quran: A Contemporary Approach to a Veiled Text”, by Dr. Neal Robinson, a university professor and researcher in the field of Islamic studies, was translated to German.
The Turdsion Foundation for Printing and Publishing in Germany published the 408-page book by the academic and researcher at Sogang University in South Korea, Dr. Neal Robinson.
The book provides a clear explanation of the various aspects of the Noble Quran. It has been prepared in three sections. It is one of the reference books for students of Islamic studies and Sharia.
The book “The Discovery of the Quran” is considered one of the most famous books in the field of Quranic research, as it is used as a reliable guide for the study and research of the Quran by students and researchers all over the world.
This book also addresses the importance of calligraphy, and will be a valuable tool for a better understanding of the Holy Quran for German-speaking readers.