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Ethnic Chin Refugees in Malaysia Accuse UNHCR of Neglect and Mistreatment

Ethnic Chin refugees in Malaysia are voicing serious concerns against the UNHCR, alleging mistreatment and inadequate protection that jeopardizes their safety, VOA reported yesterday.

During a protest in Kuala Lumpur on September 26, 2024, members of the Alliance of Chin Refugees highlighted issues such as prolonged asylum application processes and the lack of legal recognition for refugees in Malaysia, which views them as illegal immigrants.

Despite UN figures indicating around 27,250 registered ethnic Chin refugees in Malaysia, many more remain unregistered. The chairman of the alliance, James Bawl Thang Bik, emphasized the urgent need for the UNHCR to expedite the registration of vulnerable individuals, especially those fleeing persecution after Myanmar’s 2021 coup.

The refugees face significant challenges, including limited access to healthcare and employment, which exacerbates their vulnerability. The UNHCR acknowledged the frustration of refugee communities but maintains that it is doing its best to assist those in need. However, allegations of mistreatment by security personnel at the UNHCR office have been dismissed by the agency, which claims to have received no reports of such incidents.

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