International Nonviolence Organization releases statement on International Migrants Day

On the eighteenth of December, the international body and human rights organizations are busy commemorating the International Day of Migrants, in an expression that includes sympathy and solidarity in order to address the negative aspects of this phenomenon that has been troubling the international community.
As tens of thousands of immigrants suffer from inappropriate conditions that occupy a dangerous space in terms of personal safety, security, and the assumed human rights of every human being on the face of the globe.
The data and statistics monitored around the world do not exclude part of the earth from this intractable problem, whether it is internal or external migration, behind which there are multiple reasons for countries of various classifications.
Wars, armed conflicts, global warming, and racial and religious discrimination are prominent goals that stand at the forefront of the causes that resulted in the phenomenon of mass migration around the world.
In most cases, women and children constitute the weakest link in the chain of human suffering resulting from this phenomenon, which represents pain and obsession that cannot be subsided except by finding a comprehensive treatment for it, which restores stability to the homelands and an acceptable standard of living.
Therefore, the International Nonviolence Organization calls on the international community, especially the major countries that influence global politics, to activate its real efforts to address the problems that cause migration, as well as to implement international laws related to refugee affairs, which include the right to asylum and decent living in any country.
International Nonviolence Organization
Free Muslim
Washington DC