
Somali: Al-Shabab Attack in Mogadishu Claims 32 Lives

A brutal attack by Al-Shabab in Mogadishu’s Lido beach area resulted in the deaths of 32 civilians and left around 63 others injured, Arab News reported today.

The assault, which occurred late Friday, began with a suicide bombing followed by gunmen opening fire on the crowd. Witnesses described scenes of chaos as people fled in panic, with many bloodied bodies visible on the beach.

Police spokesman Abdifatah Adan Hassan condemned the attack, emphasizing that it targeted innocent civilians rather than just government officials. Security forces responded by killing five gunmen, while a sixth bomber detonated themselves at the scene.

Al-Shabab, linked to Al-Qaeda, has a long history of violence in Somalia, and this incident marks one of the deadliest in recent months, highlighting the ongoing threat posed by the group amidst the government’s offensive against them.

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