
Niger Army Kills Key ISIS Member in Western Raid

Niger’s military says it killed a prominent member of the terror group ISIS, also known as Daesh, during a raid in the volatile Tillaberi region, TRT World reported yesterday.

This operation comes amidst ongoing struggles against extremist groups in the country’s western sector, bordering Mali and Burkina Faso, the source mentioned.

The raid, conducted on Friday, targeted Abdoulaye Souleymane Idouwal, described as an “influential member” of ISIS. This follows a separate anti-extremist operation on Thursday that reportedly killed nine militants and captured 31 others.

The military also claims to have seized communication equipment and disabled the attackers’ means of movement. Civilian populations in Tillaberi frequently face attacks from extremist groups, leading to widespread displacement.

Niger is currently under military rule following a July coup justified by deteriorating security. The military is battling both ISIS and Boko Haram militants in various regions.

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