
Floods From Heavy Rains Claim 21 Lives in Niger’s Rainy Season

Floods triggered by heavy rains have already claimed 21 lives in Niger during the early weeks of the African country’s rainy season, VOA reported citing government officials.

Colonel Boubacar Bako, the director-general of civil protection, stated that 13 people were killed when their homes collapsed, and 8 others died by drowning. The Maradi region has been hit the hardest, accounting for 14 of the total deaths.

The rainy season in Niger typically runs from June through September and regularly results in loss of life. Last year, 52 people died and 176,000 were affected by similar flooding.

Climate change is exacerbating the extreme weather events, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Residents are calling on the government to provide assistance and support for those who have lost their homes.

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