
Over 150 in Moroccan Court for Migration Incitement

More than 150 individuals appeared in a Moroccan court for allegedly inciting illegal migration following a failed mass attempt to reach Spain’s Ceuta enclave, Arab News reported today.

Government spokesman Mustapha Baitas reported that around 3,000 people attempted to cross after social media posts encouraged the effort. Moroccan police intervened, using tear gas to disperse the crowd.

Between Monday and Wednesday, 60 people were arrested for spreading false information related to these crossing attempts. In August, authorities blocked over 11,300 attempts to enter Ceuta and about 3,300 into Melilla. With one in four Moroccan youth aged 15-24 neither in education nor employment, the region remains a focal point for irregular migration. This year, over 22,300 migrants have reached the Canary Islands, marking a 126% increase from 2023.

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