British newspaper: The Saudi coalition’s continuation of the war causes the closure of health centers in Yemen

A report by the British Middle East Monitor newspaper confirmed that the continuation of the Saudi coalition in the war on Yemen caused the closure of health centers due to the lack of aid and the workers
A report by the British Middle East Monitor newspaper confirmed that the continuation of the Saudi coalition in the war on Yemen caused the closure of health centers due to the lack of aid and the workers not receiving their salaries in eight months, causing great suffering to the population and the displaced.
The report stated that health and nutrition services are declining throughout Yemen, which used to protect millions from hunger and disease, and that the continuation of the blockade is causing the largest humanitarian crisis in the world amid an acute shortage of aid funding.
It added that the United Nations had previously announced that 12 of its 38 aid programs have been closed or reduced, and that another 20 programs are threatened with curtailment and closure between this month and next September.
The report continued that the five-year war has destroyed the economy and the health system in Yemen, and the salaries of many health care workers and other public employees have not been paid for a period of up to three years.
“The support provided by humanitarian agencies for vital services such as health and nutrition has gradually decreased due to lack of funding,” said UNICEF Representative in Yemen, Sherine Farkey, adding that “UNICEF lacks 64% of the total humanitarian funding needs.
The war has killed 100,000 people and left 80 percent of the population dependent on aid, with millions on the brink of famine.