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Canada mosques to broadcast call to prayer during Ramadan for the first time

The City of Ottawa is exempting mosques from local noise bylaws during Ramadan to allow them to play a five-minute call to prayer at sundown, as the pandemic prevents people from gathering and hearing it inside. 

The City of Ottawa is exempting mosques from local noise bylaws during Ramadan to allow them to play a five-minute call to prayer at sundown, as the pandemic prevents people from gathering and hearing it inside. 

An imam of a local mosque in Ottawa said hearing the Adhaan while practicing physical distancing will give comfort to many Muslims unable to attend their mosques.

“Muslims have an emotional attachment with it,” he said. “That would bring back that joy … that we usually feel in our mosques when we gather together.”

During Ramadan, many Muslims would normally observe the holy month by praying, fasting and holding community feasts at sundown to break those fasts.

However, all gatherings of more than five people, including religious ones, are currently prohibited in Ontario.

“It has a very simple message, and this is how Muslims are reminded of their daily prayers,” Ahmed said. “Basically, it reminds Muslims that God should be the highest priority in their life.”

Mosques in Ottawa are now able to broadcast the call to prayer each evening at sundown, until the end of Ramadan on May 23.

Ottawa’s noise exemption follows similar moves by Toronto and Mississauga, Ont., which also gave permission to mosques to broadcast a sundown call to prayer during the pandemic.

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