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Islamic mass graves for up to 10 bodies being dug for Muslim victims of the coronavirus pandemic

Islamic mass graves for up to 10 bodies are being dug for Muslim victims of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Islamic mass graves for up to 10 bodies are being dug for Muslim victims of the coronavirus pandemic. 

The plots, which are 10 meters long and two meters wide, have been dug at Kemnal Park Cemetery in Chislehurst, south east London.

They are being introduced to cope with the large number of Muslim deaths as the Islamic community is left devastated by the reality of the killer disease.

Funeral directors have claimed they have as many as 50 people waiting to be buried.  Traditionally, an Islamic burial should take place with 24 hours of death.

Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, who at 13 is thought to be Britain’s youngest victim of the disease, was buried at an individual ceremony at the cemetery last week.  

The mass graves, known as ‘saff graves’, are being dug at the Eternal Gardens Muslim Burial Ground which forms part of the Kemnal Park cemetery.

Bodies will be buried individually and surrounded by wood and earth, as per Islamic ritual. 

The deceased will be covered in a shroud and their faces will be turned towards Mecca, also keeping in line with custom. 

‘Saff’ means ‘row’ in Arabic and each one, which is 1.5 metres deep, takes half a day to dig with a mechanical digger. 

Two have been completed with a further six planned as the death rate soars.

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