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‘Muslim Doctors and Medical Network’ was established in Germany

For the first time in Germany, the “Network of Muslim Doctors and Physicians” (MUAMED), consisting of Muslim health professionals, was established.

For the first time in Germany, the “Network of Muslim Doctors and Physicians” (MUAMED), consisting of Muslim health professionals, was established.

Prof. founder of MUAMED. Dr. Hüdayi Korkusuz told AA correspondent that the network of doctors consists of approximately 250 physicians, pharmacists and other medical professionals living in German-speaking countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Korkusuz stated that Muslim doctors need an official status to express their problems and needs in hospitals and other related places and emphasized that they took the first step in this sense by establishing MUAMED.

“Our goal is to convey the wishes and troubles of Muslim doctors to the interlocutors as a legal entity. Apart from that, we aim to develop information among us and support each other.”

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