Ministry of Health: Coronavirus infection rates in Iraq do not exceed 15 per day

The Iraqi Minister of Health, Jaafar Muhammad Allawi, confirmed on Sunday, that “Coronavirus infection rates in Iraq do not exceed 15 per day and its continuation in this way
The Iraqi Minister of Health, Jaafar Muhammad Allawi, confirmed on Sunday, that “Coronavirus infection rates in Iraq do not exceed 15 per day and its continuation in this way will be considered a success for the health institutions in Iraq and Kurdistan.”
Allawi said in a joint press conference with the United Nations Representative in Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert that “Iraq is a lot better with the number of infected compared to other countries, and the treatments we use are good, and if we maintain this percentage, this will be considered a success for health institutions in Iraq and Kurdistan.”
He added, “The Ministry of Health made special preparations for the massive pilgrimages,” noting that “the numbers that we record are about 5-10 per day, and sometimes up to 15.”