Egyptian Dar al-Ifta allows the saying of “Madad, O Hussein”

The Fatwa Secretary of the Egyptian Dar al-Ifta, Sheikh Ahmed Mamdouh, in a video posted on the official page of the Dar al-Ifta, explained the ruling of the Muslim saying
The Fatwa Secretary of the Egyptian Dar al-Ifta, Sheikh Ahmed Mamdouh, in a video posted on the official page of the Dar al-Ifta, explained the ruling of the Muslim saying, “Madad, O Hussein, and Madad, O Messenger of God,” peace be upon them.
Mamdouh said that it is permissible to say, “Madad, O Master Hussein, and Madad, O Messenger of God,” and there is nothing wrong with that.
The Sheikh responded to a question by a follower of the page on the social networking site Facebook, about the ruling on saying “Madad, O Master Hussein,” saying, “Those who forbid this saying, their minds are confused. They confused monotheism and polytheism, and they think that they are the guardians of monotheism. ‘Madad, O Hussein and Madad, O Messenger of Allah’ are not worship.”